What is Haven Protocol (XHV)?

What is Haven Protocol (XHV)?

Haven Protocol allows users to convert & transfer between private tokens representing both stable and volatile assets, including cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies & commodities.

The ecosystem is powered by the Haven base currency XHV. Haven XHV is a Proof-of-Work (PoW) coin that can be burnt to create xAssets.

Based on Monero’s protocol, Haven offers secure, private & untraceable transactions by implementing privacy technology such as bulletproofs.

xAssets (private assets) are a range of private, anonymous, synthetic currencies & commodities, which have their prices pegged to the value of the real assets. This includes xUSD, xBTC, xCNY, xAU (Gold) & more.

The Haven Vault allows users to privately store, convert & transfer xAssets with unlimited liquidity. All conversions and transfers are performed on-chain.

Resulting from a June 2021 exploit, Haven’s core codebase is upgrading to Haven 2.0 with the next hard fork. The upgrade will include substantial security updates and a new mint & burn validation logic.

*Note: Haven recently experienced a 51% attack (June 2021). They are working with Cypher Stack to resolve the issue and review Haven 2.0.

WEBSITE: https://havenprotocol.org/

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